18 events, 8 topics, 5 days, and over 450 bookings.
During the week of 23rd November we held our User Group event virtually for the first time. Hundreds of WCBS customers have joined us for our User Groups in the past, usually held at a school or a conference venue. This term, with the unique circumstances we find ourselves in, we made a commitment to adapt our known, well-received sessions in a covid-friendly format that we are all now accustomed to.
Each of the sessions were held at least twice, with the week kicking off with a company & product update from CEO Emma Goodwin, Product Director Neil Butcher, and Sales & Marketing Director, Stephen Bilboe. The week comprised of both Update and Surgery sessions for passFINANCE and 3sysACADEMIC, along with demonstrative webinars, Effective Admissions, Cloud Finance & using HR to create efficiency, and HUBmis: A next generation solution.