The latest news on passFINANCE, VAT and FIA Schemes, new features in HUB and updates on our upcoming User Conference.
Product news: we give an update on VAT and FIA schemes, as well as keeping you informed on the next passFINANCE and 3sysACADEMIC release and what’s new in HUB too.
Events: learn about the events we attended this term, and the one’s we’ll be attending next year.
Get to know our Finance Support Consultant and Regional Sales Manager for Asia.

Blog highlights: we dedicate a page for a quick overview of what we’ve published over the past term.
Competition time: Crossword! The first correct entry drawn from the hat wins a £20 Amazon voucher. Prizes for 2nd and 3rd. Competition closes 31st January 2024. Open to WCBS customers only.
If you are a customer who hasn’t yet seen The Password, you can download it from the Notices section of the Customer Centre dashboard here