In the latest issue we introduce our new Support Services Manager who is already known by many of you, plus news about events, products, free webinars, how to win a Fortnum & Mason Hamper… and the Wordsearch competition!
Front page news of Issue 21 features news for all our passFINANCE customers who want to meet their cloud objectives.
Don’t miss out on how to win a Fortnum & Mason hamper, news about our User Conference at Lord’s Cricket Ground on 19th January, and what to do if you want a new mouse mat calendar!
Round up of events includes photos from three conferences in three countries.
Focus on what our customers are saying.

Product updates: lots of news about HUB and on-premise solutions.
Blog highlights: we dedicate a page for a quick overview of what we’ve published over the past term.
Get to know WCBS: features a new face to the company, plus one many of you already know.
Competition time: Wordsearch! The first correct entry drawn from the hat wins a £20 Amazon voucher. Prizes for 2nd and 3rd. Competition closes 31st January 2023. Read The Password to get the questions! Open to WCBS customers only.

If you are a customer who hasn’t yet seen The Password, you can download it from the Notices section of the Customer Centre dashboard here