The measures and solutions available from WCBS to ensure maximum efficiency throughout lockdown.
As teachers and other school staff are forced to work remotely, we have seen the adaptability and persistence from the Independent school community once more. This truly demonstrates the dedication that our leading Independent schools have for their pupils, and the commitment to the delivery of their outstanding education.
WCBS Support
Unlimited Pass User Licences
For as long a Covid-19 is disrupting regular working, you can receive as many additional temporary Pass user licences as you need. There is a small admin charge, which covers the time needed for our Tech Team to add on the additional licences.
Alternatively, if you already know you will permanently need more Pass licences, we are offering these with a 50% discount, for a limited time.
Cloud hosted solutions for on-premise customers
WCBS remains committed to helping schools through this time, and we recognise the necessity of a smooth transition from working in office, to working from home. Our Pass hosting solution has enabled on-premise customers to access passFINANCE and 3sysACADEMIC with their own data from any browser, so that users who have adjusted their workspaces can do so with as little disruption as possible.
Pass Hosting Licences

Cloud Native Products: Cloud Finance and HUBmis
The HMRC recognised Cloud Finance solution gives Independent Schools’ financial teams a remote working facility with reduced costs and automated updates. With Cloud Finance & WCBS’ exclusively developed Billing solution supporting all the special requirements of Independent schools, our schools will have a more efficient, safe and secure finance department.
As a cloud native product, Cloud Finance can be accessed anywhere, at any time.
Launched in Autumn 2020, HUBmis is the next generation, cloud native, management information system for schools. Developed specifically for Independent and International Schools, the new HUBmis has been built to live in the cloud, providing a global reach.
Designed for 99.95% uptime, HUBmis eliminates the risk of frequent disruption, with point in time back ups and instant updates. A gold standard in security gives peace of mind, especially for staff working from home.
With cloud native products, losing your internet doesn’t mean losing work. With instant backups, you don’t need to worry so much about the reliability of your home’s internet connection.
Training events
In adapting to the lockdown measures, last year we held our Autumn term User Groups virtually, holding 18 events that covered 8 different topics, over 5 busy days. We saw an incredible response of 220 WCBS software users registering as delegates, amounting to over 450 event bookings!
We are speaking with you, our customers, to get your thoughts on this format, so that we can learn and improve our virtual events in the future.

We are also continuing to offer NHS grade, Type IIR face masks, to our customer schools at a reduced price of 10p per mask. As your school continues to keep boarders and children of keyworkers safe, or to prepare for the return of a full school, get in touch with your Customer Account Manager if you would like to make use of this WCBS Customer Exclusive discount.
Once again, we thank our schools for focussing on delivering outstanding education in such unprecedented times. WCBS is here to support all our schools in achieving their educational objectives, especially in these times of uncertainty.
If you would like to get in touch about anything mentioned above, please contact your Customer Account Manager, email, or click here.