£5,000? £10,000? £15,000? Or how much time could you free up each week to focus on other activities – 10hrs? 15hrs? 20hrs?
In short, the answer is a huge amount!
By introducing a self-service HR solution you can not only save your school thousands of pounds, but you will also be providing your staff with a modern, more effective solution whilst freeing up time to focus on other value-added activities.
Find out how much your school could save with our HR Self-Service Savings Calculator.
A self-service HR system allows data to be input by or retrieved from employees, organisations, and legislations, and reflects it back to them in different formats.

A self-service HR solution can reduce HR administration workload by up to 80%.
On average this equates to over 27hrs per week for a school with 200 members of staff. In pure pounds and pence, you are talking about ~£25k per annum!
Want to see how much your school could save?
Use our HR Self-Service Savings Calculator to find out your school’s potential savings, or get in touch with your Customer Account Manager to start saving.