We’ve spent nearly 40 years growing and developing the finance solution that Independent Schools across the UK know and love.
Its breadth of functionality has continued to grow across the years, and that’s why it’s here to stay.
We will support and develop PASS for as long as our customers want to use it. It still remains the favourite finance solution for independent schools to use.
And that’s because of the time we’ve put in and commitment we’ve made and the input from our customers for nearly 40 years to develop software exclusively for the Bursary.
Why has PASS been around so long?
The original concept of writing Billing software for Wells Cathedral School in Somerset, UK way back in 1984, came about when accounting software started to hit the shelves after the first spreadsheet program, VisiCalc (short for Visible Calculator) was launched for the Apple II personal computer in 1979. As more software became available and reasonably affordable for SMEs, it was frustrating for independent schools to find there was no easy way around managing their unique requirements of billing for fees in advance, and sales after purchase, and on a three-term (not even quarterly!) basis.

Sales Director, John Cannon sums up in his blog just why commercial accounting software doesn’t suit the needs of fee-paying schools.
And so PASS was born – and to this day Wells Cathedral School remains a customer.
Over the years, PASS has developed far beyond the original program.

The launch of Pass for Windows and its ongoing development was a big milestone for WCBS, and involved moving existing customers over to the new products. It was quite a lengthy process; to start with it had to be at a convenient time for the school. We supported some of our customers on the Unix product for a good number of years until they were ready to make the change. (Read more here).
PASS Payroll was one of the first programs to receive HMRC Payroll recognition, has been through ten years of RTI, and introduced e-payslips to offer schools the benefit of electronic filing. Our relationship with HMRC and the regular reporting updates and changes is a key component.
Lockdown reinforced that where appropriate the benefits of financial and time management to schools could be realised through online backup and webinars.
API (Application Programming Interface)
API is a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software. Developing API to make possible integration with most of independent schools’ favourite programs was another breakthrough, expanding the functionality of PASS and the use of a single database to manage key areas. The integration with Lightyear and others extends its power. And we are adding functionality continuously.
Integration with HUBpay
HUBpay is the secure way to manage school fee collections, which integrates with passFINANCE. Modern cloud technology is utilised to offer an integrated payment and automated reconciliation service. Schools can now offer parents a variety of secure payment methods whilst saving time and cost in the bursar’s office. More information here.

Solid values, innovative development
Now that PASS is in the cloud, schools can reach cloud objectives, save money on licences, cut down costs for hardware and maintenance, and eliminate update downtime because we do all of that via the cloud. It means that schools don’t have to consider a new product, so their staff continue using the software they know so well. WCBS Team Leader & Customer Account Manager Martin Croad explains the simplicity of moving here.

Still committed exclusively to Independent Schools
Still we remain committed to our exclusive relationship with Independent Schools, and our association with ISBA who, when surveying its members, found that PASS was the software of choice for the majority of its schools. And we continue to enjoy being part of the ISBA conference every year, a favourite amongst our staff to attend especially for meeting up with familiar faces (look out for us later this month at the Manchester Central Convention Complex).

Some of our colleagues have been dedicated to PASS for 20 plus years, and know it (almost!) inside out, and their experience backs up the expertise of our Support team, so often receiving accolades from happy customers.
And still we are getting new PASS customers, so it will definitely be around for as long as you want it!