WCBS officially closed for the Christmas break on the 24th December, but on Friday 18th we finished a couple of hours early so the whole team could come together on Microsoft Teams for a virtual company comms, to say goodbye to what had been a tough year in so many ways.
We began with a roundup of company news, including some statistics such as:
- 1056 new areas of functionality in our products
- 350+ client meetings
- 151 new product features
- 73 webinars delivered
- hosting our first virtual User Group
- 5 new partners
- 4 product updates
- 1 product launch (HUBmis)
We had staff news for the past year then a long service award for ten years to Laura Costanza in Support, and a well-deserved Employee of the Year award, voted by his colleagues, to Richard Walling.
Then on to the important bit… LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
“The Committee” put together an hour or so of games that brought out the competitiveness and camaraderie in, let’s say, equal amounts.
Everyone was encouraged beforehand to wear fancy dress, and create a festive backdrop to the promise of a prize for each, which were awarded with some controversy, according to one or two…
Judge for yourselves from the image, who you think had the best dress and best background!

The Committee also shared a fun Where’s Wally-type task which was set by using a Glastonbury music festival scene (fitting for our location) and superimposing the executive and management teams’ faces on to people in the crowd with hilarious results – if you could spot them!

Other tasks included making a tin foil hat in 90 seconds, and fastest to grab an item, such as a clothes hanger or a Christmas tree bauble!
Then there were three rounds of Who wants to Win Their Christmas Dinner (based loosely on Who Wants to be a Millionaire). There was a lot of laughing, chatting and coughing (self-imposed!) going on amongst the audience… Fortunately all participants managed to ignore the nonsense and work their way through the rounds of Brussel sprouts and custard to be winners of a decent, generic voucher.
We don’t get many opportunities to come together as a team, and in 2020 to not even be able to see each other, we have, like so many other companies, missed working side by side with our colleagues. Here’s hoping that we are looking forward to better times in 2021.