The Management Accounts Reporting Pack delivers digestible data to passFINANCE schools.
Always looking to give schools ways to get more from their data whilst saving time, WCBS has developed standard Reporting Packs, which can be further customised to include your school’s own branding.
Up to date reports with a single click
Using existing Nominal Ledger structure of Sections and Account Categories, the passFINANCE Reporting Packs provide an easy to use set of reports which can be printed or sent to PDF.

What’s included?
The pack includes a Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Summary, and Income and Expenditure Detail.
There’s also access to the Installation Guide, and there are training videos to make sure of a smooth onboarding.
Click on the images below to view in more detail.
More insights from passFINANCE data
The Reporting Pack uses the power of ODBC queries to link dynamically to your ’ passFINANCE database; reports are updated with the latest data with a single click.
Changes are also accommodated, such as the addition of extra accounts to the Nominal Ledger being automatically included in the totals for their assigned category.
Ryan Jeffries, WCBS Data Services Specialist has been integral in developing this powerful addition to the passFINANCE suite.
“Using ODBC and the customer’s existing reporting categories or sections, depending on their setup, gives them the ability to generate a printout version of the reports.
“Views included Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Summary, and Income & Expenditure Detail view along with two termly views (summary and detail) can be refreshed with a push of button!”
Access to download the Reporting Pack is online from our Customer Centre and the videos are in our Reporting Packs Playlist, with MP4 versions on request.
For more information, contact