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This free webinar is designed to show you how to edit personal grid settings in PASS to extract information from the database, a way of creating simple reports.


This webinar is designed to help anyone who needs to extract information from their school’s PASS database in a concise and simple way. Learn ways to use and edit grid settings to allow you to filter the information you need, sort it and save the settings for future use. It is an excellent way of learning new tips and tricks both for experienced users or for those new to using PASS.

What will be covered


  • Editing grid settings
  • Sorting data
  • Using filters and searches
  • Exporting to Excel


If your school has purchased the WCBS Webinar package you will not be charged. If you have not purchased the package you will be invoiced £45 following the event.

Our webinars are hosted using Teams Webinars. You’ll receive a confirmation email upon signing up and a reminder a week prior to the event.




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