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Event summary

This webinar is the first part of our two-part webinar on switching on VAT in passFINANCE. Part 1 is only for Schools who did not switch on MTD when it was introduced in 2019 but will need to do so before running any invoices relating to the January 2025 Term.

We will walk you through how you switch on MTD in passFINANCE using the resources we provide to you.


In this webinar we will cover:

  • Introduction and Resources
  • Setting Up “Digital Tax” options
  • Setting Up VAT options
  • Processing Transactions
  • VAT Returns and Reports


Booking information

This webinar is free for schools with the WCBS webinar package. Schools without the package will be charged at £99 per attendee.

Our webinars are hosted using Teams webinars.


FULLY BOOKED – Next Event on October 21


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