Choosing new software for your school is no small or insignificant task, especially when we are talking about an MIS.
With such massive implications on your school’s time, budget, and data security should you choose the wrong MIS, it is crucial to make sure you invest in the technology your Independent School deserves. On top of this, with some providers forcing you into 3 year contracts, if you make the wrong choice it could be some time before you are able to rectify it… and 3 years is a very long time when it comes to the development of technology!
HUBmis, from WCBS, is the future of EdTech.
We have developed HUBmis, the most technologically advanced and secure MIS for Independent and International schools: more than £5 million has been invested in order to make sure it is the MIS that Independent Schools Deserve. More than just an MIS, this year we are launching two new solutions to the HUB platform: HUBadmissions and HUBincome.
Independent and International schools have been underserved for far too long. HUBmis sets new standards for what schools should expect from an MIS, with great advancements within user interface and experience (UI AND UX), cloud-native technology, and API and integration.
Everyone’s expectation of the software we use daily has changed massively in recent years. We have seen major disruption in usually oligopoly markets due to new businesses changing the game- and changing expectations. An obvious example is financial technology. FinTech has seen some huge changes in recent years due to the likes of Monzo and Starling which have utilised modern technology in their software and marketing to breathe new life into a typically “square” industry. Inspired by such impressive moves, the HUB platform is bringing the same disruption within the EdTech world.
HUB is made up of three products HUBmis, HUBadmissions, and HUBincome.
Your school deserves an MIS that improves security
Now more than ever security should be at the forefront of your school. HUBmis is built from the ground up with security and performance at the forefront of the design process. We have produced an MIS platform where all your school’s data stays safe and secure.
Schools by their very nature require and store a lot of personal data, most of which is stored in your MIS. Trusting a system managed by a third party provider with your sensitive information, such as student data, is an important decision. The experience, training, security protocols and certifications of a software provider are significant in the decision-making process.

You’re probably wondering how does HUB keep all my data safe?
Here’s how:
Increase in phishing attacks
ISACA report an increase of attacks on the education sector during the Covid 19 global pandemic. These attacks are extremely dangerous to schools. The objective of such an attack is to gain the information within sensitive folders, then restrict the access to that data to the authorised personnel, demanding payment to release this information.
To help protect your school from such events occurring and provide the most secure platform for your data is through penetration testing. Penetration testing seeks to expose security vulnerabilities, threats and other risks relating to system infrastructure and software systems. At WCBS we do penetration tests twice yearly, as security is at the forefront of our products- Remember, ask your MIS provider how often they do these tests!
What would happen if there were a crisis?
If the worst were to happen and your school had to revert to an old version of your data, cloud-native systems provide any point in time recovery- allowing you to rewind a point of your choosing. Back-ups and data retentions are built into our systems, so you can always revert to the version you want. It’s important to consider not only your schools crisis strategies, but your MIS and software provider’s strategies too.
Your independent school deserves an MIS that’s a joy to use
This is essential. More than just looking nice, an MIS should feel natural too. With multiple admin tasks to complete every day, you need a management information system that is easy to comprehend and natural to navigate, otherwise this will affect the workload, efficiency and motivation of everyone who uses the system (which is most likely the majority of your school!).
The user experience is crucial, especially for IT novices and new starters. Ultimately, users shouldn’t need to be tech savvy to navigate an MIS platform that is meant to simplify everyday processes.
Through investment in our own UX and UI team (User Experience and User Interface) we have been able to produce an MIS with a best-in-class design. The UX/UI team are experienced in making sure software is intuitive, attractive, and quick to use. They consider the placement of every small detail, making sure things are where they should be and not where an older system might need them to be.
An easy to use system has so many benefits, one of which being fewer mistakes are likely to occur, but not only that, it will also save your school money on training. Administrative staff can achieve more, and teachers can have more time to focus on your pupil’s education and wellbeing.
Take a look for yourself!
Your independent school deserves an MIS that allows you to choose the best of breed solutions
An MIS may be the core of your school’s data, but it shouldn’t restrict your choices when it comes to other EdTech solutions.
The more open to integration your MIS provider is, the more it is clear they understand that each Independent school has very different and very precise needs. If your MIS provider says they do everything you need, but doesn’t give the option of integrating with other solutions, then there will always be a compromise somewhere.
Within HUB, we have focussed solely on three core areas: MIS, admissions, and income. That’s it. We know these are the areas we understand best, and we know we can develop best of breed software in these fields. We have an open API for integration partnerships, which allows schools to choose to continue using their favourite solution within other areas such as alumni or learning management.
HUBmis is built on Application Processing Interface (API) to allow for deeper integration than ever before possible, opening new possibilities within the EdTech space. A read and write API allows schools to use HUBmis with your favourite EdTech tools, without re-keying data but whilst ensuring data integrity.
HUBmis interacts with an API which will be opened for use by partners and schools. The API uses OAuth for its authentication, the same as Facebook, Twitter and various banks as part of the Open Banking initiative.

You deserve an MIS from a supplier that is committed to Independent Schools
At WCBS we feel it’s important to build a relationship with our schools. As we are here for the long haul, we focus on creating long-lasting relationships with our customers. We have seen a lot of change over the past 38 years within the EdTech market and the development and improvement of our products and offerings. Many of our staff have been here for a huge part of our journey. 40% of our staff have been with WCBS for more than 5 years- 5% of which have been with the company for more than 20 years. Quite the achievement!
Our colleagues are truly experts in their fields and know our platform inside and out. They’re here to support your school with the transition and usage of HUBmis.
WCBS is invested in cloud-native technology. Cloud-native solutions use the latest technology to build a platform designed for the cloud.
As we’re sure we don’t need to remind you, the decision of which MIS to use to support your school is a huge one. Especially when some providers are demanding you lock into a 3 year contract, if you don’t choose an MIS your school deserves, you may be left behind when it comes to the advancements in EdTech.