Shine International Academy,

Future-proofed system chosen for its flexibility and pupil-centric approach
Shine International Academy is a school which meets the needs of every child who comes through the door, offering a universal provision for a mix of neurotypical and neurodiverse children.
Paula Watch, Principal of the school, explains why HUBmis was chosen as the school’s solution.
The school’s background
Shine International Academy is a brand new school. They opened their doors in September 2022 and the school came about after the Directors (whilst working at a different school) were very frustrated at the lack of provision for the wider school community and for all children.
Shine International Academy was created to be a school which meets the needs of every child who comes through the door. They are a school offering a universal provision and already have a mix of neurotypical and neurodiverse children.
We caught up with Paula Watch, Principal of the School, to hear about her school’s experience with HUBmis.

What we need is that extra little bit of magic. HUBmis absolutely has this.

What did you look for in a MIS provider?
“I knew that we needed an MIS, and from previous experience I knew what I didn’t want. Management systems that weren’t up to the job and that were difficult to use, that weren’t intuitive, would just be more of a hindrance than a help. I made a few appointments to speak to various people and HUBmis came out head and shoulders above everyone else.
I’m very much a people person. I need to have a connection with someone and I think for me, in all of the people that I talked to about all of the different systems, your team was by far the most personable and professional. People buy from people, and you need to have that relationship and I felt that I could trust you and build that professional relationship.
Not only did I like what WCBS was saying, but I also really liked what I saw. I think you’ve got a great product, but I also think you’ve got exceptional people who are working to create an amazing experience.”

How does HUBmis support a new school that’s doing things differently to others?
“For me, its stand out feature is the flexibility.
Flexibility in an MIS is really important for me as our school is really, really different. So, unlike other heads and teachers, I don’t have 7 periods a day, five days a week where it’s maths, period one and English period two. I don’t have that sort of structure.
When children start at Shine they go through an enrolment process during which we create a report for each child where we identify any additional support needs.
We talk about the child being at the centre of everything at Shine International Academy. It’s at the heart of what we do because each child is at the centre and we talk about a circle of positivity around that child, made up of the teaching staff, the therapy staff and the parents, and we all have to be able to work together.
So through the enrolment process we gain an understanding of a child, so that we really do know that the child at the centre is crucial. We had to have ways of sharing that information. I think for me the flexibility of HUBmis was really, really important, because we’re not about being a standard school. We don’t fit into a bulk standard product. We needed something that we could make our own, and HUBmis gives us that.”

HUBmis came out head and shoulders above everyone else.

How have we supported you through the HUBmis implementation process?
“I’m not the most tech savvy around. I keep saying to people I’m a bit of a tech dinosaur, but in many respects then that’s credit to you guys, because although I’m not really good at all that stuff, I can find my way around and generally, because everything’s fairly logical and sequential, then even if I can’t figure things out straight away, you can normally go back and work things through step by step and figure out where you’ve gone wrong.”
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